Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wow I'm horrible!

So as I was looking at my sister-in-laws blog today and I realized I haven't updated mine in some time. Grayson has gotten so big and has been doing so many cute and new things over the last 2 months. He gets bigger and bigger everyday. He is growing like a weed. I just moved him up to 6 month clothes. Crazy and very sad for this mommy. He squeals all the time which is so much fun to listen to. He wakes up in the morning squealing.

He has started rolling onto his side and is always moving himself around while on his back. He loves the TV and will just lay on the floor and watch it.

When he is sleeping good and has dropped his paci out of his mouth he continues to suck like he has it still in his mouth.

He will be 4 months on Saturday. Time goes way to fast.

Love those chubby cheeks, that adorable smile and just this little man in general.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

He is just THE cutest!!!!