Monday, October 24, 2011

Which Way Do We Go?

Saturday we went to a corn maze as a family. We had so much fun! We first went into the maze that was very large and crazy. They gave us question and check points to guide us through. Even though some of the answers to the questions were wrong we made it with my great directional ability. Drew wouldn't probably admit it but when I was leading we would go the right way but when he was leading we would get all turned around.

After the maze and much convincing Grayson got his face painted. He was asleep which is why it even happened. He woke up shortly after and was all smiles for the girl who painted his face.

We were able to get a few good pictures of Grayson even though he wasn't much into smiling for us this day.

Isn't he just the cutest baby ever?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Road Trip!

So last weekend me and Grayson headed to Ohio with Grandma and Grandpa Riche! I have to say I was a little nervous about an 8 hour car ride with a 6 month old. Grayson was a real trooper and only melted down for short periods of time, nothing a quick stop and stretch couldn't fix.

This was the face I got when I moved to the back to hang out with him. He wasn't too happy with me.

When he would finally be asleep life was good!

I know this picture isn't that great but he was so happy to be on the floor and out of the car! We had arrived!


Hanging with Great Grandpa Bailey!

Grayson meeting his Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Great Great Grandma Goldie!

Grayson loved his Uncle Craig! He spent much of the weekend just hanging out and sleeping in his arms.

Hanging with Aunt Amber!

Grayson loves his Uncle Craig and Aunt Lori! Who couldn't they are the best!

All of us together and smiling! Hehehe

Mom had all three of her grandchildren there so you know she was in heaven!

Sharing Grandma's morning apple!

On the way home! Even though he will sleep just about anywhere he tends to fight going to sleep. This was no exception!

We were both very happy to be home and back with daddy and daddy was glad to have us home. We were all grateful for a safe trip and can't wait to go back hopefully with daddy along for the ride next time.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wow I'm horrible!

So as I was looking at my sister-in-laws blog today and I realized I haven't updated mine in some time. Grayson has gotten so big and has been doing so many cute and new things over the last 2 months. He gets bigger and bigger everyday. He is growing like a weed. I just moved him up to 6 month clothes. Crazy and very sad for this mommy. He squeals all the time which is so much fun to listen to. He wakes up in the morning squealing.

He has started rolling onto his side and is always moving himself around while on his back. He loves the TV and will just lay on the floor and watch it.

When he is sleeping good and has dropped his paci out of his mouth he continues to suck like he has it still in his mouth.

He will be 4 months on Saturday. Time goes way to fast.

Love those chubby cheeks, that adorable smile and just this little man in general.

Monday, June 13, 2011

2 Months Old

Grayson is two months old today! I can't believe it. He weighs 12lbs 2.5 oz and 24 inches long. His height is in the 75-90% range for his age. He is going to be big like daddy. This month has brought many blessing and exciting experiences. Grayson is focusing better on those who talk to him, he is holding his head for longer periods of time by himself, he laughed for the first time, he is cuing and talking, and he has moved into 3 months size clothes. He has ventured out shopping with mom and went to church for the first time yesterday. We found ourselves falling more and more in love with him each and every day. We are learning him and what each cry means or even if it doesn't mean anything. He is now sleeping for 4 hour stretches throughout the night. So mommy is only up once a night. He has a few nights where he has slept 5 or more hours.

We love our little man!

Grayson's Blessing Day

Grayson was blessed on Sunday June 12th, 2011. Drew was able to bless him along with his Dad, my grandfather, our brother-in-law, and four of Drew's really good friends. So many people were able to share in this day with us. What a great day it was!

Grayson in his blessing outfit that was made out of Grandma Sharon's wedding dress.

Our little family picture!

Grayson and Daddy!

Grayon and Mommy!

What a wonderful Day!

Ashley graduated on Friday June 10th, 2011. What a wonderful day for our family. There was a point in time we didn't think she would live to see this day. We have been hearing for months actually the entire school year about how she was graduating. She has been so excited. On her last day of school mom found her in her room with her cap and gown on at 5:30am. She was ready to graduate.

Doesn't she look excited?!?

Receiving her diploma!

Congratulations Ashley! You did it! We love you!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Many.....

So many people often show pics of the many faces of their child but we have something a little different that we love and it's the many hand positions Grayson. He is always moving around his hands and putting them in the funniest and cutest positions. He never ceases to amaze us.

So here are The Many Hand Positions of Grayson!

Friday, May 13, 2011

One Month Old!

Today Grayson is one month old. He had his one month check-up this morning. He weighed in at 9lbs 12oz and 22 inches long. He has gained 2lbs and 12 oz and 2 inches since our first visit 3 weeks ago.

He is still in newborn diapers and clothes but he has definitely grown since he was born.

The last month has been one of happiness, joy, experiences we never thought we would have, and loving someone more than I think either one of us could have known.

Grayson has begun to hold his head up for short periods of time, giggle in his sleep, smile, look at us for periods of time, hold our fingers, and captured our hearts. One look at him and I'm sure you would agree.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our New arrival!

Grayson Andrew has finally arrived. Right at 37 weeks my water broke and into the hospital we went. Tuesday morning my water broke at home around 930. I headed to the hospital and told Drew it was time for him to travel that way. I arrived at the hospital and they got me checked in and into a room. I wasn't having contractions so they started Pitocin and shortly after that the contractions started coming. Around 330 my water broke again and the contractions got extremely intense. By 4pm I was asking for an epidural with tears in my eyes. I don't think Drew could have taken anymore than those 30 mins of me in pain. I could tell he was trying not to freak out. The epidural was totally worth it and not as bad as I thought. It was totally weird being numb and not being able to move my legs.

Around 10pm I was running a low grade fever and not progressing fast enough. They throw out the word c-section and I wasn't all that happy but they had good reasons to head that way. So at 1218am on April 13th, 2011 Grayson was delivered by C-Section weighing in at 7lb 14oz and 22 inches long. Drew really surprised me watching the procedure. He says he thinks he can handle needles now after watching that. He even watched as they drew blood from Grayson afterwards while Grayson slept though it.

Grayson is an amazing baby. He is so good and calm for the most part. When he screams, though, you know he has a great set of lungs.

Grayson already has many admires including mommy and daddy. He had many visitors in the hospital and everyone just couldn't say enough how beautiful and awesome he is.

Meet Grayson!! Taken shortly after he was born.

7lbs 14 oz 22 inches long! 3 weeks early!

Daddy's hand compared to Grayson's hand!

Mommy meeting her cute little man for the first time!

Grandma Tina meeting Grayson for the first time shortly after he was born.

Our favorite picture taken of Grayson shortly after birth. Perfect little man.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What a weekend!

So Friday was one of those days were I was having some lower abdominal discomfort. I didn't think much of it because it's normal for me to experience this with my crohns every once in a while. But when it didn't go away and I started feeling kind of crappy I decided maybe I should call the doctor to get some reassurance. Baby was moving around fine so I wasn't really concerned. When I got the call back she told me I should go into labor in delivery to be sure that everything was fine but it was up to me. I spent and hour trying to decide whether or not I was going to go since I was feeling a little better.

I told Drew not to worry I was sure everything was fine and he could just meet me up there when he got off work. I also told him to stop and get something to eat before coming. So I went to pick up mom and we stop to get her some dinner again I wasn't worried so I wasn't in a hurry.

So we got to the hospital and the hooked me up to the monitors. I finally asked how everything looked and the nurse said that I was having contractions every 1 to 3 mins that were lasting 30 to 50 seconds. HUH?????? I never felt anything and your telling me I'm having contractions that often. I looked over at my mom who kind of looked worried. I remember pointing my finger at her and saying don't freak out. When Drew walked in he asked "so is he here yet?" He was a little surprised that I told him I was actually have regular contractions.

The gave me shot to stop the contractions which it did and sent me on my way a little later. A test they did came back saying I wasn't in preterm labor which I was happy to hear.

So Sunday I started to feeling contractions which if you remember I didn't feel on Friday. They didn't hurt but I could tell I was contracting. The doctor wanted me to come back in and I asked her while on the phone for steroid injections. YES me who hates getting shots asked for the injections. So when I got there no contractions. They must have stopped because I couldn't feel them and they weren't showing up. I think I had maybe 3 before the discharged me. I got my steroid shot and go back today for the last one. They also put me Procardia to help keep my uterus from contracting. Not sure if they gave that me for peace of mind or because they felt like I really needed it.

I just want this little man to bake for another month at least. Don't think that's a lot to ask.

Friday, February 4, 2011

More Baby Pictures!

So I know it's a little late but with the new computer I couldn't get our scanner to work so finally Drew said to just take the pictures with our nice new camera and it worked. So January 4th at 22 weeks we went to another ultrasound to my high risk OB. Our little man weighed in at 1 1/2 lbs.

I love the thumbs up. He has a funny personality as we can all tell. I love this also because it's like he saying everything is ok and well be ok so don't worry.

Me at 22 weeks!

This past Wednesday I went for another ultrasound. The doctors are doing so many ultrasound because they were worried about a low birth weight baby because of my Crohns. Well to say the least I don't think we are going to have to worry about that. He weighed in at almost 3lbs. No wonder my belly is getting so big.

I was glad my mom was able to go with me since Drew really couldn't miss work this week. She was so funny to watch because she was so excited.

My first words when I saw these 3D pictures whose nose is that. It's not mine and I'm sure it's not Drew's. Looks like it may be from my moms side of the family. He is so cute and I get more and more excited to meet him.

Me at 27 weeks!