Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes It's True!

Yesterday was such a cool experience that I've been waiting for for sometime. We heard our baby's heartbeat. Yes we are expecting on May 3rd, 2011.

We've known for sometime that we had a bun in the oven but due to having a miscarriage earlier this year we decided to hold off on telling too many people. Today I am 13 weeks along. It hasn't been all easy. I've had so called morning sickness, mostly in the evening since about week 7. I soon found out chocolate was a no. It made me very very ill. I love chocolate and everyone that know me knows I always have some in the house. Then I found out Coke made me just as sick. Ugh!!! My two favorite things, the things I found comfort in no matter the mood, I could longer take in. So I've been weeks without even a drop of either and due to the fact it made me feel so bad I don't even miss it. Well occasionally.

I feel that it could be so much worse so I try really hard not to complain. I think Drew would agree that I've handled it well thus far.

We had an ultrasound at 7 1/2 weeks and I was really nervous walking into it. I just wanted to be at 7 1/2 weeks and not find out that I was going to have to deal with the sickness any longer than I had thought. I also wanted to see a heartbeat to know that this one would hold tight. I was glad to see a heart rate in the 160s.

Taken at 7 1/2 weeks!

We look forward to this journey and our happy to share it with everyone!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Amazing Summer!

We had one of the best summer ever. We stayed very busy and loved everything we did. We started our summer taking a trip to Colorado to visit my sister and her family. We had so much fun and saw a lot of Colorado.

We went to the top of Pikes Peak! Over 14000 feet high. The drive up was pretty scary. Once up there it didn't take long for me to feel the effects of being so high up. It's hard to breath up there and I began to feel like crap but it was cool.

We went to Leadville which was a cool little town. We decided to paint pottery which was pretty fun. Here is Katelyn with her plate she painted.

After pottery we went to eat lunch at this restaurant in town. It was yummy.

This was us on the Fourth of July. It was 47 degrees and we were drinking hot chocolate wrapped up in blankets but the fireworks were great!

Only a few days after returning from Colorado we went to Washington DC to attend Justin and Ashley's Wedding. We went up a few days earlier so we could do come site seeing.

Here I am standing in front of Julia Childs kitchen. Too cool.

The main reason for going to Washington DC, Justin got married. Drew and Justin are best friends. Matt and Jaimie also came up so the three best friends were able to share in the special day.

At the end of July the youth of our church attended a Trek to get the experience of what the pioneers went through. I only lasted the first day and Drew got the worst blisters I believe anyone had ever seen. We were put into families and me and Drew were grandparents. They pulled hand carts around 20 miles through different areas.

Our Family working together to get over a log in the path.

Team Building Experience! They all stood on the tarp and had to turn it over without anyone stepping off.

Me and Ashley taking a break at the living farm. We were hot and tired. I was glad Ashley and Justin went too. It was nice to spend time together.

What a great summer we had! Lots of experiences that we wouldn't change for the world.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Biggest Loves in Life!

As many people may know we have three nieces and one nephew who we love so much! We love spending time with, look forward to seeing them, and playing with them. They have such different personalities and are so much fun to be around. So here goes, meet them all.

Meet Katelyn! She is six and has a personality much like her Aunt Katie. She is so much fun to be around and can wear you out fast.

Uncle Drew and Katelyn. These pictures were taken on our trip to Colorado in July. We had so much fun.

Meet Jackson. He is five years old and so full of energy. He loves his Uncle Drew. This picture was taken at Carowinds this past summer. Uncle Drew and Jackson loved this ride and would agree it was their favorite one.

Meet Payton. She is a fun and loving niece. This picture was taken at Carowinds this past summer. This was the only ride that she would ride. The Snoopy Train! We rode it twice.

Us all walking into Carowinds.

Meet Kendra. She is two years old and so sweet. She loves her Uncle Drew and always has. This picture was taken on July 4th, 2010. It was so cold we were wrapped up in blankets and drinking hot chocolate.

This is me and Kendra on our trip to Colorado this past July.

And finally we are anxiously awaiting the arrival our newest niece. She is due in February and we couldn't be more excited to meet her.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our Year full of Weddings!

We have had a year full of weddings. So many of our close friends decided to tie the knot. So here goes.

Matt and Jaimie's Wedding was first. March 6th, 2010. Drew and I were happy to be in the wedding party.

Next was Wes and Sarah's Wedding, June 19th, 2010. It was so good to meet Sarah and see an old friend from high school.

Next was Tia and Brian. June 25th, 2010. So happy for Tia!

And July 10th, 2010. Drew's best friend Justin married Ashley.

And finally, the most recent, Jake and Carly just this past weekend.

It has been a busy year but we are glad to finally have more married friends. We've been married three years so we are more than happy to have more married friends.

Congrats again to all of our wonderful friends.

Happy Anniversary to Us!

We've made it three years! Go us! I think we would both agree that it has been a good three years with us learning a lot about each other and marriage. Of course we know we have a good long way too go. We grew up together but never really spoke too much to one another. We have our friends to thank for our relationship. Not that they set us up but because they were the reason for us beginning our journey together.

We were married on October 12, 2007 in the Columbia, SC temple. It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. We could not have asked for a better day.

With us being on fall break we decided to do a quick honeymoon to Myrtle Beach. The weather was beautiful and we were able to actually enjoy the beach.

The last three years have brought a lot of blessings and challenges. I graduated in 2008, finally, from nursing school and began my career working at CMC-Northeast. I loved where I worked and I learned more than I could have ever thought. This past July I transferred over to work for Hospice and I love it. I work with home patients and patients within facilities.

Drew graduated from UNC Charlotte in 2009 with his mechanical engineering degree. He was blessed to get a great job working for TLV in Charlotte.

We purchased our first home in November 2009 in the University area. We love it.

It has been a great three years. We look forward to the things we will experience in the future.