Monday, June 13, 2011

2 Months Old

Grayson is two months old today! I can't believe it. He weighs 12lbs 2.5 oz and 24 inches long. His height is in the 75-90% range for his age. He is going to be big like daddy. This month has brought many blessing and exciting experiences. Grayson is focusing better on those who talk to him, he is holding his head for longer periods of time by himself, he laughed for the first time, he is cuing and talking, and he has moved into 3 months size clothes. He has ventured out shopping with mom and went to church for the first time yesterday. We found ourselves falling more and more in love with him each and every day. We are learning him and what each cry means or even if it doesn't mean anything. He is now sleeping for 4 hour stretches throughout the night. So mommy is only up once a night. He has a few nights where he has slept 5 or more hours.

We love our little man!

Grayson's Blessing Day

Grayson was blessed on Sunday June 12th, 2011. Drew was able to bless him along with his Dad, my grandfather, our brother-in-law, and four of Drew's really good friends. So many people were able to share in this day with us. What a great day it was!

Grayson in his blessing outfit that was made out of Grandma Sharon's wedding dress.

Our little family picture!

Grayson and Daddy!

Grayon and Mommy!

What a wonderful Day!

Ashley graduated on Friday June 10th, 2011. What a wonderful day for our family. There was a point in time we didn't think she would live to see this day. We have been hearing for months actually the entire school year about how she was graduating. She has been so excited. On her last day of school mom found her in her room with her cap and gown on at 5:30am. She was ready to graduate.

Doesn't she look excited?!?

Receiving her diploma!

Congratulations Ashley! You did it! We love you!!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Many.....

So many people often show pics of the many faces of their child but we have something a little different that we love and it's the many hand positions Grayson. He is always moving around his hands and putting them in the funniest and cutest positions. He never ceases to amaze us.

So here are The Many Hand Positions of Grayson!